January 13, 2011

First Date

I consider the idea of starting and sustaining a blog to be somewhat like going on a blind date. You don't really know what you've gotten yourself into, but your friend says you don't get out enough and is certain you'll have a great time. And hey, even if it doesn't work out, at least you got a free meal at some fancy restaurant.

So, hi. I'm Martha. We may be beginning a beautiful relationship, where I type and you record, or there's the possibility that we crash and burn. Don't worry, I promise that under no circumstances will I ever break up with you by text message. But I won't get too ahead of myself. It's just our first date, and even though I don't know you all that well, I think you're kind of cute. So what do you say, shoot me a message on Facebook and we'll see about that cup of coffee.


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